Ethos Environmental Planning


Planning Tree Reports – BS5837

Ethos has an in house team of arboriculture consultants and also work with a small number of trusted associate companies on a full range of tree reports for planning. This includes all aspects of the British Standard BS5837 and supporting advice including:

  • Pre application advice
  • Tree surveys, quality and value assessment
  • Tree constraints plans (TCP)
  • Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS)
  • Tree Protection Plans (TPP)
  • Management and compensation measures
  • Assessment for protected species (bat surveys on trees)
Planning Tree Reports
Woodland Management Plans

Woodland Management Plans

Ethos has experience of producing a range of woodland management plans for different projects. This has included plans for woodlands which are to be used for recreational purposes such as SANG (Suitable alternative Natural Green Space), woodlands on residential housing sites and woodlands in parks and river valleys. Our team includes experts in both ecology and arboriculture meaning the disciplines can combine to produce management plans which finely balance the requirements of woodlands to balance recreation pressure with biodiversity.

Hedgerow Surveys

Ethos has extensive experience of surveying hedgerows for a range of purposes including assessing their value for protected species, assessment under the Hedgerow Regulations and their value as landscape features. We have completed several projects where hedgerows have required removal and have designed compensation planting for their loss. We have also designed and overseen hedgerow translocation schemes. Our in house ecologists are also able to oversee hedgerow removal works where there may be risks of presence of protected species such as breeding birds and dormouse.

Hedgerow Surveys